Thursday 5 October 2017

Beaune visit.....

It’s Thursday 5th 0ctober 2017 and woke at 7 am to darkness with the sky just breaking into light. We watched the sun come up, it was quite spectacular. By the time the sun was fully over the horizon we had finished breakfast.

Decided to look around Beaune before setting off further south.
Parked up OK, in the camper car park and only a short walk to the centre of town.
Beaune certainly lived up to our expectations, oozing money, as it would do, being one of the key wine centres in France.

Came across a very interesting and old building, Hotel - Dieu. From what we can gather, a world famous annual charity wine auction is held there 3rd Sunday in November during the annual wine festival.  We also came across The Notre Dame of Beaune. Well worth a visit.

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